Always Invite

"And let them not divert thee from the revelations of Allah after they have beesent down  unto thee; but call (mankind) unto thy Lord, and be not of those whascribe partners (unto Him)."
(Al-Qasas : 87)

"And there may spring from you a nation who invite to goodness, and enjoin right conduct  and forbid indecency. Such are they who are successful."
(Ali Imran : 104)

The glory and excellence of Islam as the way of life is indisputable. The challengmentioned in the Qur'an to make something similar to the Qur'an, even only one chapter for those who disbelieve, remainuntouched. And  those who tried only ended up in shame just like whathe fake prophets did in the beginning of the growing and spreading of Islam.
Always Invite

Indeethe eminence of Islam is admitted by others when it reaches theand if there are those who are consistent  in spreadinthe teaching. This is where the Muslim preachers play an important role, those  who  call for otherwho want  a more  beneficial  life  to embrace  Islam.

"And verily, the angels spread their wings with pleasure for one who seeks knowledge. Indeed the inhabitantof the skies and the earth and the fish's in the depths of water, all supplicate forgiveness for  the  Aalim."  (At-Tirmidhi)

In reality human beings oftentimes forget their identity as a slave that God has created to come back to Him  in thEnd. Demands and challenges in life has made humangoing adrift and crawl to reach a fake happiness,  and they have alienated  themselves in the worldly  matters that theforget the reason why they were created in the first place. Such condition can be viewed as darkness where the light is much needed, and such light is thoswho  keep  calling others to kindness and preventing others from evil deeds.

"Restrain thyself along with those who  cry unto their Lord at morn and evening, seeking His Countenance; and let not thine eyes overlook  themdesiring the pomof the life of the world; and obey  nohim  whose  heart We have made heedless of Our remembrance, who followeth his own  lust and  whose  case hath been  abandoned." (Al-Kahf : 28)

Be a preacher; teach the knowledge whave,  what  you can teacyou  can master! The fastest way to learn is by having the intention to teach the knowledge to others!

Bring your family members, your friendsthose  who  are closto you to the gathering where knowledge is being taught. Keep making good deeds!

These are 5 Code of Conducts that shall be the spirit and identitof IIBF members:

1. Always Learn
2. Always Participate
3. Always Energize
4. Always Help

5. Always Invite


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