Always Participate

get succes - The presence of humabeings in this earth is to bring a holy mission which  is Khalifah fi'l-Ard (Leader in  the  Earth), a  mission   that demandus to always be active and creative and to always intend to create. Whesomeone stays passive then automatically he goes against the sunnatulla(the way of God) of him being His representative,  a function  that no other can have, not even the Angels. But at the same time human beings mustn'be arrogant because  it  is their  duty  to  be'abdAllah,  thslave(s) of God, who always humbly  worship Him.

In a story narrated by Sa'ad al- Ansari, may God be pleased with him, once a companion came to Prophet Muhammad, peacand blessings be upon him, and showed  him his dark hands full of blisters. When the Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, asked about  it, he  answered  thahis hands were in such condition due to his hard worin digging the ground  with  his hoe  tearn a living. The Prophet, peace and blessings be upon him, then took his hands  and  he  kissed  them. In a hadith the Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, said that: "Best people  are those whare useful to others."

principle of success

This teaches us that the existence of a Muslim is seen from how far he's useful to others and is judged on his works. And the dutof a Muslim is to give the best out of him as much  as he can to others as well  as to the  environment.

The quality of the iman (faith) of a Muslim doesn't  stop in both his unspoken and spoketestimony as it needs a concretform in the form of good deeds. Iman doesn't onlquench  one's  thirst; it also mus be  enjoyed  by  others.

Something  that is transcendentally vertical in Islam is always formed with the socially horizontal matter, juslike  the  word  'amanu' is always  followed b'wa'amilus salihat', and the word'aqimus salah' are always followed by 'wa atuz zakah'. And isn't Hajj considered  a mabrur (accepted) one not when it is being done but it is to strive and fight for in life after it's done?

Before Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon  him, was appointed to be the Messenger of God, he had always taken part in participating in the social life, such as when  thtribal chiefs  were arguing as to who was more rightful in placing the Black Stone (al-Hajaru'l-Aswad) and Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, came to give a solution that satisfied every single one of them.

So did he after being the Messenger of God; he, peace and blessings be upon him, was always the first to do what he was ordered toanwhenever there  was  a partnership role he mostly would take a part in it, even though such role would be harder than others, such as the one  in the Battle of the Trench (Battle of Khandaq); although the trench strategy wasn't his idea, but once  it was agreed to dig the trenche, peace  and blessingbe upon  him,  was the most  passionate  onin digging the trench until he, peace and blessings be upon him, had to wedge  his stomach  with  some stone t hol hi hunger.

Make it a priority for ourselves to always participate in building the Ummah, the nation, and the Deen. Always   participate  wherever, whenever,    and    whatever opportunity we see as long as it's in the right path. Give our best, take a part no matter hosmall that is, grab that opportunity! Show that we're here!


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